Wednesday, August 29, 2007

In the immortal words of Popeye, "It's all I can stands, I can't stands no more!"

I have decided to move my blog on to what I hope are greener pastures. Blogger has been very kind to me but it just isn't giving me the quality that I want for my photo blog. I would like to thank those of you that have offered me suggestions on how to get my images to look better but I don't think I want to have to create Photoshop actions just to post an image. I have decided to give WordPress a try. I will be running it on my URL server and am very optimistic about the options and variations I will have available to me. The new site is located at:

I am sorry for those of you that have bookmarked this page and I hope it doesn't cause you too much inconvenience (I'll make it up to all four of you at a later date). Anyway, thank you for your patience and I hope to see you over on the new blog.


PS - I will be leaving all of my old posts up here just in case you need to reference back to them (only you know why).

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